Concurrent Conditional Clustering of Multiple Networks: CoCoNets

Download (94.5 KB)

Last update: January 6, 2014

Installation instructions

Download and extract the contained files to a local directory. Make sure that a C compiler (GNU project C version 4.4.7 or higher) and the igraph C library (version 0.54 or higher) are installed.

Running CoCoNets

CoCoNets can be used from the command line. First, The C code has to be compiled by typing

gcc CoCoNets.c -I /usr/local/igraph -L /usr/local/lib -ligraph -o execfile

where outputfile is the executable file. Then, the program can be executed by typing

./execfile network

where network are the networks in graphml format which are being clustered (separated by space).


The download package includes the networks for the five different conditions. To cluster all five networks, execute the following command:

./CoCoNets stat_top500.graphml oxi_top500.graphml lac_top500.graphml heat_top500.graphml cold_top500.graphml

where CoCoNets is the executables file (execfile) in this case The file output_coconets.txt will be created including the clustering, the modularity of each network, the average modularity over all networks and the running time.

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